I Work With Artists - Valuing Artists Resources
Perception of Artists
What We Value: American Opinions about the Work of Artists -” In July 2021, the American Academy of Arts & Sciences asked Americans how much artists, among a number of other professions, “contribute to the general good of society.” While 64 percent of Americans believe they contribute “a lot” or “some,” only 22 percent answered ‘a lot.’”
Creative Mornings | Artists as Leaders - A talk by the president of RISD about appreciating the role of artists in society.
Connecting with Artists
Wallace Foundation | Cultural Collaborations: Building Partnerships for Arts Participation - A study about how to partner with artists and the benefits of creating alliances.
How to Use Creative Art Partnerships to Give Back to Your Community -Strategic partnerships between artists and businesses can be used as a substantial mechanism of goodwill to foster relationships and further the philanthropic mission of any organization.
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