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Thriving Stories
Below is a growing collection of stories from organizations and artists across the country that align with the self-assessment survey.
Advocating for Fair Pay
Artist Dylan Neuwirth describes his experience advocating for artists to charge a living wage, and also offers advice for artists on...
Knowing When to Move On
Artist Amy Meisner relays a story about an experience that taught her when to walk away and cut her losses when a situation isn’t working...
Improving Your Relationship with Money through Language
Ewa Szypula describes how changing the way she talks to herself by using the language of a producer and not a procrastinator has improved...

Knowing What a Life as an Artist Can Look Like
Diane Scott shares her first-hand experience with the importance of showing artists real examples of what making a life as an artist can...
Putting a Price on Experience
Artist Thomas Chung shares how he determines what to charge for his artwork and the importance of charging a price that makes you happy....
Rural Artist Uses Social Media to Reach a Broader Community
Tessa Dallarosa from Laramie, Wyoming describes how, as an artist working in a rural setting, social media is one of her biggest...
Finding a Day Job that Is Supportive of Being an Artist
Artist Tamara Wilson describes how her relationship with money has evolved over time and different strategies she has tried for creating...
Knowing When It’s Not Right
Artist Tim Nolan describes trusting your gut and turning down opportunities that aren’t a good fit.
Spotting Signs of Imbalance
Artist Amy Johnson describes how she listens to her needs and identifies signs that she’s getting out of balance.

I Won't Waste Any More Days of My Life
by Ted Gillespie As a husband and a breadwinner, my art always took a backseat to life’s responsibilities. Today at...
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