The Artists Thrive tools are built off of a “rubric,” which is a dynamic, customizable “Formative Assessment” process. A Formative Assessment rubric helps you assess your impact in order to improve future work by immediately integrating lessons and looking forward toward desired outcomes - think about how a chef tastes the soup to improve it as they are cooking, as opposed to a critic who only tastes the finished soup and judges the final outcome.

Artists Thrive 2020 Virtual Summit Session
Intro to Rubric Building with David Grant
This session is for people new to the Summit and for those who want a refresher on the purpose and process behind the tools at the center of Artists Thrive. Our goals will be not only a better understanding of how to use the Artists Thrive rubrics but also more confidence in applying the principles of formative assessment to your own personal and professional missions.
Quick Rubric: Create Your Own Rubric - This online tool allows you to create a free account to craft and manage your own rubrics.
The Social Profit Handbook: GreenFaith Assessment Rubric for Religious Institutions
GreenFaith is a faith-based environmental organization whose mission is to "inspire, educate and mobilize people of diverse religious backgrounds for environmental leadership." Their rubric explores what success looks like in many areas of "greening" churches, mosques, and synagogues -- from worship services to facilities to religious education to investment practices. The rubric was a stepping stone to the creation of the nation's first interfaith environmental certification program.
The Social Profit Handbook: Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Site Visit Rubric
The program directors at The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation set out to write a rubric on one of their core performances -- the site visit. (See pages 88-95 in The Social Profit Handbook.) What began as one rubric quickly became three: one on preparation; one on the site visit itself; and one on follow-up. The next-to-highest level of the rubric is named after a core value of the Foundation: Respect for Grantees. And the top of the rubric is called: Our Goal: Exceeding the Standard. From the book: "We were conducting a very personal style of philanthropy. It is the kind you can do if you are rooted in place ... and you have many long-standing relationships with grantees."
​Center for Whole Communities: Whole Measures, Transforming Our Vision and Measures of Success
What organizations and communities measure often determines what they pay attention to and says much about what they value. We believe that one of the greatest challenges currently faced by the conservation movement – and others seeking to create stronger relationships between healthy people, communities and lands – is the way we define, talk about and measure success. The challenge is that we become what we measure, and conservationists primarily measure dollars, acres, and biological diversity. Conservation’s real success is bigger than biological diversity, bigger than smart growth, bigger than wilderness designations. It’s even bigger than the 14 million acres conserved by conservationists in the last decade. Real success is conservation’s ability to re-define for Americans their health, their relationships, and their sense of fairness. Real success is achieved when conservationists work in partnership with other groups to engage more people in building just and vibrant communities. Real success is found in conservation’s contribution to restoring our common wealth – the natural, social, civic and economic assets held in common for the well-being of all community members.
Whole Measures for Community Food Systems, Values-Based Planning and Evaluation
Values-based planning and evaluation tool designed to measure the qualitative and quantitative impacts of community-based food projects - developed by the Center for Whole Communities in collaboration with the Community Food Security Coalition. From the guide: "Whole Measures for Community Food Systems is designed to give organizations and communities a collaborative process for defining and expressing their complex stories and the multiple outcomes that emerge from their work."
The Nature Conservancy: Whole Measures for Urban Conservation
Whole Measures for Urban Conservation (WMUC), based on the Center for Whole Communities’ Whole Measures, was produced in partnership with The Nature Conservancy as part of the launch of the North America Cities Network. Led by Center for Whole Communities, a team of Conservancy staff from the Cities Network developed the rubric and provided key input for the guidance portion of the document. WMUC includes four primary areas of measurement and is a reference point for leaders interested in prioritizing benefits to low-income communities and advancing justice and equity in their work. While this document serves as a primary appendix to the Field Guide to Conservation in Cities, it is designed as a stand-alone document that may be used and reproduced independently.