I Work With Artists - Advocacy Resources
Artist Led Organizing
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Integrating Artists’ Issues
Grantmakers in the Arts - Support for Individual Artists in the Folk and Traditional Arts Julie Dalgleish
Policy & Agenda setting
Americans for the Arts Advocacy Toolkit - A guide for organizations that politically advocate on behalf of artists.
National Assembly of State Arts Agencies - Why Should Government Support the Arts?
Music Canada & IAEL Value Gap Event at Midem 2018 – 50-minute presentation on The Power of Grassroots Artist Advocacy and a Multi-Territorial Approach to Finding Value in the Gap
Partnership Movement Toolkit: How to Partner with Your Chamber of Commerce Part 2 - Connecting Community Impact to Arts and Chambers Partnership - Just as local arts agencies act as voices and conveners for their arts and culture communities, so do local chambers of commerce for their business communities. How can these two types of agencies work together to solve community, social, and economic issues
Artist advocacy within organizations
WebAIM - Empowers organizations to make their websites friendly for people with disabilities.
NEA's Section 504 Workbook - Workbook from the NEA that allows organizations to evaluate how accessible their programs are.
Grantmakers in the Arts | Supporting Individual Artists: Ten Years, Ten Lessons
Nonprofit Quarterly | How Nonprofit Board Members Can Be Effective Advocates in Troubled Times Nonprofit Quarterly, 2017
Artists as civic leaders
VisualArts.net | National Association for the Visual Arts - Australian organization with examples of arts campaigns.
MASSCreative - Organization that supports arts advocacy in Massachusetts.
Why Cities Can’t Afford to Lose Their Artists, Richard Florida, 2014
Artist Advocacy – An Essential Part of Arts Administration – Americans for the Arts blog by Nathaniel "JR" Russ, Apr 15, 2015
NEA's Civil Rights (External) Complaint Process - NEA's process for filing civil rights complaints.
EXPLORING THE WAYS ARTS AND CULTURE INTERSECT WITH PUBLIC SAFETY - this research found that art in the public safety sector promotes empathy and understanding, influences law and policy, provides career opportunities, supports well-being, and advances the quality of place.